I think my hair is getting long.
I was just making up my bed and was startled by a sudden movement in the corner of my eye, before realizing that it was just a strand of my own hair falling over my shoulder. Hmm.
I suddenly remember that
Prisoner of Azkaban was a particularly good
Harry Potter book ('cause I was looking at a movie trailer-to-book comparison
here, which includes excerpts from the book). I'd forgotten, because I read it so long ago and so quickly. The
HP books are easy to read, and
PoA being particularly interesting, I think I read it within the span of a day.
Goblet of Fire, which I also enjoyed, was longer, so it took me about a week, but for me that's pretty speedy (taking into account that you can't really do nothing but read a book every hour of every day).
Aaanyway. Got to do some Accounting problems so that I don't do undecently on my exam Tuesday.
Bye for now, and remember not to stay in Hogsmeade after dark. :)